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Basic Concepts

Quick Quiz 1
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You have a patient who presents complaining of a painful neck. While examining this patient you notice that their head is rotated 10 degress to the right and they have compensated for this in their thoracic spine. Would you suspect that your findings suggest an acute or a chronic condition?

You have a patient who presents complaining of a painful neck. You ask them to describe their pain and they describe it as being sharp, like someone was poking them with a knife. Would you suspect that your findings suggest an acute or a chronic condition?

While evaluating a patient's complaint of upper back pain, you notice that the muscles appear to have increased tone and some edema is present. Would you suspect that your findings suggest an acute or a chronic condition?

You have a patient who presents complaining of a painful neck when they try to rotate their head while driving their car. You notice that right rotation of C1 on C2 is reduced from normal. Would you suspect that your findings suggest an acute or a chronic condition?

Which of the following is NOT a tenet of the osteopathic profession ?
The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance.
Curing disease is more important than prevention of disease.
Illness is often caused by mechanical impediments to normal flow of body fluids and nerve activity.
Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

Abnormal reflex activity, originating in the lower intestinal tract, may result in pain, and/or discomfort within the:
Cervical musculature.
Thoracic musculature.
Pelvic musculature.